The media is calling this India's 9/11, public is in anger and and government is under pressure to take action. After nearly 60 hours, our special forces were able to wipe out some 10-12 terrorists taking control of India's financial capital. This brutal incident left nearly 200 people dead and 400 sevearly wounded. Home minister Shivraj Patil, Maharashtra CM Deshmukh and deputy CM R.R. Patil were forced to resign. A new federal agency to combat terror has been envised. Pakistan has been asked to send ISI chief to India and hand over 20 terrorists including Dawood Ibrahim and Masood Azhar.
Is this all this government can do and will we forget this incident as another act or terrorism that happens every month or so? This is sure that Pakistan will never accept its hand in this cowardly act. Pakistan media has already satrted blasting Indian government and media for its habit of implicationg false allegations on Pakistan everytime an act of terror happens in India. Pakistani Government has refused to send the ISI chief and insted are willing to send a high rank ISI officer.
Some Pakistani experts like Zaid Hamid has blamed RSS and BJP for framing the attacks with proofs like one of the terrorists was wearing a saffron band on his right hand. This saffron band called 'Kalawa' is worn by hindus as a symbol of their belief in god. I cannot understand how this so called self styled security analyst Zaid Hamid can make out that it is 'Kalawa' from so poor resolution pictures. This person goes on to add that he has evidences from with in Indian Intellegence that the names of two of the attackers are 'Amar Singh' and 'Heera Lal' and both are memebrs of Hindu terror organistaions namely Sangh and Bajrang Dal.
Now the question arises what should India do with the present situation. India cannot go on war as it will not affect Pakistan as much as it will affect us. Pakistan is already on the brink of distruction and its government is running on a loan of 7.6 billion USD from IMF. In my opinion India should give them back in their own style. Let the Research & Analysis Wing (RAW) take care of this migrain as they did in 1971 when Pakistan was split in to two countries. India should launch covert operations against Pakistan by supporting Balochistan Libration army and join hands with USA to launch attacks on terrorist camps inside Pakistan. Increse diplimatic ties with China to ease up the Chinese support for Pakistan. In the mean while strenthen our armed forces and economy and install anti-ballistic missile shields in all major cities. If Pakistan still does not mend its ways then go for a all out war.