Friday, September 12, 2008

Bihar flood politics

The Prime Minister of India declared the Bihar floods as a National calamity. Over 3 million people have been displaced and around 700 killed due to the river Kosi shifting its course.

"फ़ेल कर गया नीतिश हम खाना और भूसा भेजवा रहे हैं सब स्टेशन पर खिचडी और चोखा है, जाओ और भरपेट खाओ" (Nitish has failed. I have arranged food and fodder. At every railway station there is khichdi and mashed potato, go and have)
Laloo addressed a large crowd at Saharasa blaming that the state government has failed to deliver the relief material to the flood victims. He also compared the Kosi floods with Tsunami and added that a unknown number of people have been washed away and government does not have the exact figures.

Using his trademark style he said " हम लालू यादव हैं जिन्दाबाद बोलो ये नीतिश कुमार भी बाढ़ पीड़ित है पाँच बार बाढ़ से जीता और२००४ में बाढ़ से ही हार गया अब जबसे मुख्या मंत्री बना है तबसे हर साल बाढ़ आ रहा है (Nitish Kumar is also a victim of floods. He won from Barh (parliamentary seat) five times, but lost in 2004. Ever since he became chief minister no year passes without floods) and the crowd starts shouting : Laloo Yadav zindabaad, Nitish Kumar murdabaad.

Nobody is even trying to look at the real cuse of this disaster. The massive flooding and the river shifting its course has been caused due to the breach of Kosi barrage in Nepal. This Barrage was made after an agreement between the Indian and Nepali government in 1956. The barrage completed its lifespan of 30 years in 1986 and was due for repairs or construction of a new barrage. Nithish Kumar tried to present this to the Prime minister in 2004. No one ever tried to pay attention towards this for nearly 22 years . Now after the disaster which could have been avoided, politicians have started using it as an issue in the upcoming elections.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Very True, the current situation of INDIAN Crisis is at a great disaster, these issue's should have been taken care with high importance where in the politicians do not take the serious issue's an immediate notice and they just keep on ignoring for their values and to keep them in power. they should have a real feel as the people to be their brothers and sisters, the pledge which we took in school every day, even if that was thought for a single moment to act upon and for one second think that they are no other than your blood and we are all one in nation so why dont we think issue's of seriousness with concern and raise grievances after an issue's occur.

for this to resolve i personally feel the prime minister should have a specialised team in which each state representative will inform the team about their needs and any high crisis issue for which the specialised team would with discuss with the governor and the nations army in general would take care to resolve it, this is because so as to my knowledge the INDIAN ARMY is the only team which could not be bribed and they are the real indians who live and do not even give a second thought to die for INDIA. so here the highly skilled engineers who could volunteer for this service else government can employ for a team of members who can dedicate to resolve the grave concerns. and the not worry.. we INDIANS will provide it.

No matter whatever might be the issue we would join hands to fix the issue, if each and every indian can spare even a rupee for the development of NATION, then india will not be super power by 2012 but it would be a supremo and no indian will leave our mother land.

INDIA is our home lets keep it safe and cleaner till we live for the next generation to live better and let them think what their elders have left for them and clean, safe and secure place in the world to live and enjoy.

Let the hunger be to you for your food and comfort, there is no cause to show someone you are rich, or live in a highest confort when the rest of the people around are suffering, let's compete with people in different countries not with people within different states, lets stop corruption, if we ourselves start bribing within then it is something like we want something more in order to do even the smallest job, no wonder if this continues even children and people at home will ask for bribes going to the market.

Lets not make it too late, it's high time to realise the needs of india, let's share, not the whole but as less but of better, as this is not for you, for others around you and to the children of you who have to walk a long way.lets make INDIA a warm welcoming,united,greener place on EARTH.and then we would be proud to invite the world to INDIA and no matter be always proud to be an INDIAN.