Thursday, October 14, 2010

Top 3 free photo editing software

As photography turned digital, computer replaced the darkroom for developing those stunning photographs. A good photograph can be made better by using a good image editing software. Usually, one gets a bundled photo editing software with the purchase of a digital camera but, it is usually very basic. For advance image editing, we all know there is Adobe Photshop but then it costs more than your camera.

Most of us are not aware that there are a number of free photo editing software available which can give Photshop a run for it's money.  Here is a list of  top 3 of these free image editing software based on my ranking with their link for download:

1. Gimp

Gimp tops the list because it fits all the requirements for a perfect image editing software. It is completely free open-source image editor, runs on all operating systems, and delivers on all your editing needs. Often termed as the "free Photoshop," it does have an interface and features similar to Photoshop. However, on the other side, one needs to put in a lot of effort to understand and learn using this software to use it to it's full potential.

Gimp can be downloaded at:

2. Paint.NET

Paint.NET comes a close second in the list of free photo editing software.  Paint.NET is developed at Washington State University with additional help from Microsoft as an extension of Microsoft Paint. This software features transparent layers and an unlimited undo history. A wide range of add-ons can be downloaded to enhance your experience.

It can be downloaded at:

3. Photo Pos Pro

Photo Pos Pro features an advance and a well-designed interface which is quite user-friendly interface. It offers a good help system for beginners and many possibilities to dedicated users

It can be downloaded at:

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